The new version of WordPress comes out with features that make it more pleasant to use. That is WordPress 4.0.
A few months after the release of WordPress 3.9, here is the WordPress 4.0 arrives. The news that accompany this release, although they may seem minor, will make your work (website publishers and bloggers) easier and more enjoyable your days.
A new grid for media files
The integration of content becomes easier
To embed a tweet or YouTube video, he had to find the embed code and copy it to the “text” part. But that was before.
Now, simply by example “paste YouTube URL on a new line” so that it becomes an integrated video, like magic.
The WordPress editor also becomes more “WYSIWYG” (What You See Is or What You Get) because from WordPress 4.0, the editor will be entitled to a true preview of the content it has integrated and not a representation (example: a rectangle for YouTube videos).
In addition, WordPress has added new services to the list of those managed by the blog engine for integration of content.
A publisher that fits the size of your text
In addition to the novelty in content integration, WordPress has also decided to make the most comfortable visual editor. Henceforth, it will adapt (lengthen) depending on the size. But so far, the “toolbox” remains in sight.
Search plugin will also be more enjoyable
The search plugin WordPress also makeover with this new display, a search would have been improved and new points of comparison.
The creator of WordPress launches new social network for selfies
WordPress 4.0 : it’s party plugins
Google Publisher Plugin, WordPress plugin from Google that optimizes the blogosphere buzz. I hope WordPress 4.0 will used by website developers in a huge quantity.