Why Is Ethical Code Necessary In Accounting Bodies?

The Ethical Code of the Accounting bodies seeks to regulate the behavior of accountants. Every accounting body has its own ethical code.

The work of the accountancy profession is crucial to the effective working of the capital markets (that is the mechanism for the provision of finance to business and the protection of those who supply it). Put very simply, investors may lose financially if their investment decisions are based on inadequate information and this would deter further investment. A loss of confidence in financial reporting could therefore undermine the economy.

Working to the highest standards of ethics and professionalism allows the public, investors and regulators to have confidence in the profession. Your ethical behavior can protect not only your own reputation but that of the profession as a whole. We have a collective responsibility to apply principles, such as integrity and objectivity, that will enable high quality financial reporting, and effective financial management and business practices; to protect investors, businesses and the wider public interest.

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