In the Control and Transparency Act (KonTraG), which came in effect on 1 May 1998 in Germany , the concept of risk management emerges for the first time as defined by law. However, the concept of risk management can also be found in other systems and has its older origin there.
One can generally say that risk management is seen as a process for organizations and systems. One finds approaches in the QM (Quality Management) according to ISO 9001, UM according to ISO 14001 (Environmental Management), OSH according to OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety) and IT according to 17799. The standard side has so far only been considered in the discussion about the mediation directive and broker associations usually have their certification according to ISO EN 9001: 2000. This is not quite true, but not entirely wrong.
The ISO regulates the quality, the rules and processes of the brokerage company as a management system, but not the rules and processes of the surveys, analysis and assessment in the risk management. For this area the ONR 49000 gives a wider space. The ONR is an Austrian standard which means On Rules, and we assume that it will be introduced as a European norm in the future. ONR also assumes that companies will in the future have positions that are designated as risk managers.
The ISO 9000 and the ONR 49000 are from the management and related management systems and meet in their combination the demands of the future EU mediation directive. If the consistency of this standard is present in the process organization of a broker, almost no reproach can be made qualitatively due to the violation of cardinal tasks.
Against this background, it is up to the market participants responsible in this process to deal intensively with this thematic area. To develop the risk documentation, questionnaires, workflows, processes and procedures that meet these legal requirements with the underlying standards – this development work is one of the main tasks of DVR AG.
The ONR 49000 is divided into:
ONR 49001 Terms and principles which describes: elements of the risk management system and
ONR 49002-1: Guidelines for Risk Management.
From our point of view, the most important parts of ONR (On Rule- Austrian Standard on Risk Management) are subdivided into:
1. Terms
2. Scope of application
3. Normative reference
4. Rules for risk management
5. Preparation for risk management
6. Risk assessment
7. Risk management
8. Implementation and risk monitoring
9. Risk management audit and system improvement
Annex A describes the hazards, hazards, checkpoints and characteristics.
Annex B describes the manifestations of risk characteristics and
Annex C is described as value-oriented risk management.
This is mainly aimed at quantitative scenarios and impacts.
ONR 49002-2 describes the guideline for embedding risk management in the management system
ONR 49003 describes and defines the requirements for the qualification of the risk manager