Financial Modeling Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know (Unlock the Power of Projections!)

Being a finance guy you might have known the term “Financial Modeling”. Do you really know what the term is all about? How a Financial Model is built? No worry at all! We will let you learn the model step by step and make you from a big Zero to a Finance Hero just in 7 Easy Steps!

Financial modeling is, in fact, a very crucial skill in finance, generally done by FPnA function of an organization. This is used to forecast future financial outcome or performance of an organization, evaluate it’s investments in resources, and make well informed business decisions. Before going to detail I would like to emphasize the 3 key considerations for an insightful financial model.

7 Easy Steps to the Financial Modeling

We will not make the things complicated to the beginners. We have designed this task in 7 easy steps so that everybody can easily grasp the process. Here’s a breakdown of the major steps involved in the financial modeling:

1. Define Purpose and Scope

  1. Define the scope and objective: Define the scope and objective of the Financial Model clearly. I mean, the purpose of the model. For example, what the organization will try to to achieve with this financial model. It might be the valuation of the company, budgeting, project feasibility or any other purpose.
  2. Specific Timeframe: Future is always uncertain. However, every Financial Model has a specific timeframe up to which the projection could be made. So while building the model ask yourself: How far into the future will the projections go?
  3. The Level of Detail: A model may be a high-level one or a granular level analysis. Based on the purpose and objectives, we should build our Financial Models and determine the level of detail we want.

2. Collect Historical Data

To build a financial modeling we will require some historical data to forecast our future. This comprise some Financial, Operational and Industry Data for comparison.

3. Make Assumptions

The assumptions are the foundations of the model. In this step we have to make several assumptions to find the key drivers in financial modeling.

4. Build the Model

We are now to build the financial model using some software and applying our already made assumptions.

5. Forecast Financial Statements

For financial modeling we use 3 core financial statements for historic metrics. Again, we will forecast the same 3 statements as the output, how they will look some years later, as per our modeling.

6. Performance of Analysis

7. Review and Refine

By following these steps, we can create a robust financial model that provides valuable insights for decision-making. We will organize a hands-on training session on Financial Modeling where we will teach how Financial Modeling is professionally done in real world with real data.

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