There are various common political tactics occur in organizational arena. These are as follows:
- taking counsel
- maneuverability
- communication
- compromising
- confidence, and
- always the boss
The taking counsel tactic takes place when the individual workouts great caution in search of or giving advice.
The maneuverability tactic takes place when the individual maintains flexibility and never totally commits to any one position or program.
The communication tactic takes place when the individual never communicates everything but instead refuse to give information and/or frees information at carefully chosen times.
The compromising tactic takes place when the individual accepts compromise only as a short-term tactic while continuing to press forward with one’s own agenda.
The confidence tactic takes place when once the individual has made a decision, he must always give the impression of knowing what he is doing, even when he does not.
The always the boss tactic occurs when the leader always maintains a sense of distance and separation from subordinates.