Reasons Will Make You Switch To Windows 10

It may be the reconciliation of OS. The Technical Preview version of Windows 10 is available for a few weeks now and some of you may have-installed on a test machine or even in a virtual machine. This is exactly my case and it is now quite some time that I play with. A rather strange experience given the fact that it is now four years since I left Microsoft to Apple. Strange, yes, but also very refreshing because Windows 10 combines the good points here and just 6 reasons that make you want to install on your computer.

1. The return of the start menu

Windows 8 marked a real breakthrough in the history of Microsoft. For the first time in years, Microsoft has decided to wipe the slate clean and start again on a new basis with a system with an interface designed for both a keyboard / mouse and touch.

This new dynamic has forced the firm to ignore the traditional start menu in favor of a home screen consists of tiles. Far from it, this is also what prompted Microsoft to integrate a new button on Windows 8.1.

Windows 10 will go further and this version will mark the return of the start menu! It will also back dynamic tiles, exactly the image that offers the home screen. With the same options, it will be possible to resize and reduce the fly. Dynamic notifications will also be the part that goes without saying. The home screen will still be accessible, of course, and users can choose to activate it if they feel the need. On the sidelines, the Windows 10 Start menu also includes a new search which can send queries on the web. Eventually, it should also include Cortana voice assistant.

2. Task View to step back from its environment

Until now, in Windows 10 it was necessary to refer to the taskbar system for an overview on windows and open applications or send a Ctrl + Tab command.

Microsoft has had the very good idea to incorporate a new view running on the same principle as Mission Control in OS X. Just click on this button in the taskbar or to use a keyboard shortcut to show that the company presents itself as the Task View. This view has only one objective which is present on a single page all open applications depending on the virtual office partner. From there, the user can move the window of his choice on another office, or even close the applications they no longer need.

3. virtual desktops to organize more easily

Some of you probably know but it’s been several years since OS X and Linux systems integrate in virtual desktops. With them, it is easier to organize applications in everyday life. I did then just jump from one office to another to manage my projects. Windows unfortunately lagged behind compared to its competitors in this field there. It will however soon the old story with Windows 10. As mentioned a little earlier, the Task View will allow us to juggle windows open, of course, but also between different offices. To begin, we will obviously create by clicking a button. The Technical Preview does not limit the number of offices, but this may change before the final version. Then, the user need only click on the desktop of choice to make it appear on the screen, or use the appropriate keyboard shortcuts. He can then organize their working environment as it sees fit.

4. Notification Center to keep an eye on applications

The notification is on the rise in recent years. It is embedded on our mobile terminals and is apparently determined to settle on our operating systems. Just take a look to the latest versions of OS X to be convinced. Yosemite takes the concept quite far indeed, and Windows 10 does not apparently intend to stay on either button. As proof, Microsoft has deployed last month a first update of its Technical Preview with a lot of improvements to the key as the arrival of the famous center of notifications that you hear about from the last Build or even before.

It is still very basic at the moment, but it gives a good idea of ​​what’s in store for the company next year. It will thus find its place in the taskbar near the clock. The user only has to click on a single icon to reveal the alerts generated by the applications installed on the machine.

Need a little quiet time to complete a folder? No problem, two clicks will be enough to bring the system muted.

5. An explorer smarter files

The file browser built into Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 never really unanimous. Windows 10 may not revolutionize the genre but that does not stop him from offering a handy new feature in the arrival of new intelligent virtual folder. Placed at the top of the list, he has one goal, to give control to the user on files it needs, at any time.

This famous case works like a virtual drawer that will display a single place the last used directories. With this system, we can easily find the documents on which we are working. No need to rummage for hours in our personal folder, then.


6. windows for everyone

Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 were coexist two types of tools: traditional programs, and the Modern UI applications. The latter being especially thoughts for tactile use.

First point and not the least, the Modern UI applications now behave like our old programs. It will be possible to reduce the size of the window and move anywhere we want through the office. Then with a few well-chosen gestures we can display them again in full screen or even pin them to one side of the screen.

If we opt for the latter then thumbnail will appear on the other side, thumbnails linking to other open windows. The Charm Bar is still in the game, of course, but its options are also accessible via a new button placed in the header windows. Longer need to jump from one side to the other of the screen to get the function that is failing us.

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