Your business goes wrong? Here is how to react

Rumors of social, crisis meetings … Obviously your business is on the wrong track. What options are available to you?

Declining order books, social rumors, incessant crisis meetings, reorganization of services: obviously, the company goes wrong. Temporary difficulties or impending closure? The first thing to do is to learn that, cross your information, verify the facts. Can anticipate and take the lead in considering the options calmly: the major decisions are taken in quiet. Several approaches are possible. Stay and enjoy the opportunities that always occur during these periods of “Construction / Deconstruction” stay and actively seek a new job, go and take training, change industries or even life or country: there are many possibilities !

Each of the possible solutions have their advantages. Discover them.

Inquire and verify information
Anticipate to better position
Take some precautions
Move to another sector
From his team
Learn new skills
Change of life

In this case, the JDN interviewed three experts in the world of work:

Rosa Rossignol HRD consultant HR specialist and founder of Book Addresses HR consulting company involved in the training, communication or mobility. She is the author of “Effectively managing a start” (Wiley Publishing).
Krief Thierry is a consultant and president of NegoAndCo, a specialist firm in starting negotiations. He is the author of “Start Negotiation, all pros secrets” (O’Reilly Media).

Gilles Noblet’s coach and leads the competence center “Career development” of Map’Up Institute. He is the author of “If I believed in myself!” and “And if I chose my life!” (O’Reilly Media).

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