The another name of water is life. Life without water cannot be thought of. Water is the most essential element for any animal’s survival. Without water, an animal cannot live. On an average 60 — 70% of an animals body is water. Most of the animals can survive only a few days without water. Water is very essential for the body functions of an animal.
When animals eat food, water helps to digest the food. Water is a major component of blood. Water helps to carry nutrients to all parts of the body. Water is essential to maintain the proper temperature of our body. Water also helps to absorb nutrients in animals body. Without water every body function of an animal body will be disrupted.
Animals also need water for many other purpose. Like some animals live in water,others use it to clean themselves. The daily life of human beings cannot be thought in absence of water. So, we can see water is very essential for animals to survive.