WhatsApp will reach more people than Facebook

There are a few months ago when Facebook  announced the acquisition of WhatsApp at 19 billion dollars, it was not a surprise for lot of people and not cared bu  a lot of investors on the ground of social networking.

Currently, the instant messaging application has no less than 600 million active users per month.

In February, after announcing the acquisition of the application, Mark announced that his goal was to reach  the billion users by WhatsApp  , roughly the same performance as that of the social network Facebook.

But quite recently, these objectives have been revised. Indeed, during an event organized by Carlos Slim, the president of the Latin American operator America Movil (and one of the wealthiest people on the planet), Mark revealed his new ambitions for WhatsApp: 2-3 billion users.

Marks Expectation about WhatsApp:

“I think we’ll be able to WhatsApp to connect 2 to 3 billion people” – Mark Zuckerberg

During the event, the CEO of Facebook has also reiterated its commitment to connect the best possible web development people.

Remember, Facebook is one of the main players in a project called Internet.org which precisely to connect to the most disadvantaged people.

For example, a few months ago, Internet.org launched an application that allows users of Zambian operator Airtel; free access to some web services (including Facebook).

If this kind of idea can actually help the poor to have first access to the canvas populations, many observers argue that it is contrary to the principle of web/net neutrality.

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