What Is The Use Of Company Shares | Use Of Share Capital?

What is the use of company shares? Very simple to say that  The ownership rights in a corporation are usually symbolized by company shares; that is, the share capital of a corporation consists of a number of units or company shares. Each share represents a relative right to the net assets of the company. Within a category of shares, all shares have the same equal rights.

These company shares are usually transferable between parties. As a result, markets have been established to give investors with an ability to trade in company shares. Where active markets exist like organized stock exchanges, the fair value of a company shares at a given point in time may be measured reliably. A further advantage of transfer-ability is that a change in ownership by one shareholder selling shares to a new investor does not have an effect on the continued existence and operation of the company.

 In addition, the right to share equally in the net assets, and therefore the profits or losses of a company, each share has other rights, including:

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