Types of Agricultural Markets in Bangladesh

The different kinds of markets found in Bangladesh may broadly be classified into three main types :

1. Primary Markets

2. Secondary Markets

3. Terminal Markets

(1) Primary Markets : In the rural areas of our country there are many periodical centres of trade in agricultural raw products. These centres which may function as assembling centres as well as general retail distribution centres constitute the primary markets in agricultnral products. Village bazars, hats and fairs are included in these markets. Most farm produces that are sold by farmers are exchanged in the village bazars, of course, many farmers sell their produce in the secondary markets and also at their homes.

The “haats” are held regularly on certain fixed days of the week. These “haats” have been adversely affected by the abolition of zamindari system in 1951 because most of the haats were founded by the local zamindars. The average area served by a village market is roughly 25 square miles whereas an average “haat” generally serves an area within a radius of 5 miles.

Rice, jute, tobacco, vegetables, sugar cane, pulses, betelnut etc are handled in the primary markets. Cash crops are bought by beparis, farias and other middlemen traders who arrange to transport the commodities to larger trade centres.

(2) Secondary Markets : The secondary markets are the wholesale markets which work as assemblying markets in the production areas and as distributing markets in the consuming centres. The secondary markets have usually been developed in the places where there are suitable railway and river transport systems. The kinds of commodities handled, the available means of transportation and communication and the location of the market determine the area commanded by a secondary market.

The major portion of our internal trade is carried on between the primary and the secondary markets. There are about 450 such markets in Bangladeshi. Some of the most important seconday markets are Narayanganj, Chandpur, Mirkadim, Sirajganj, Bhairah Bazar, Ciaibandha and Sharisabari.

(3) Terminal Markets : The terminal or port markets function in connection with internal trade and export trade. The trade associations and agencies generally organise these markets. The main function of the terminal markets is to distribute the commodities which they receive at the ports from different sources. Most of the export crops find their way to the two terminal or tertiary markets–the sea-ports of Chittagong and Chalna.

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