Origin Diagnosis And Treatment Of Chikungunya Fever

The chikungunya fever was first originated in 1952 on the border area of Tanzania and Mozambique which is named Makonde Plateau. This virus was secluded from the serum of a febrile patient from Makonde Plateau. The word chikungunya is originated from a Makonde word which mean “that which bends up”. In Swahili language of Africa, the word “chikungunya” means “the illness of the bended walker”. The chikungunya virus has been observed to circulate in a sylvatic cycle between forest-dwelling mosquitoes and nonhuman primates. Treatment of chikungunya is unknown till now.

However, since 2007, outbreaks of chikungunya have occurred in Italy, France, Croatia, and the Caribbean islands. At present, chikungunya fever has been identified in nearly 60 countries, and currently found in Bangladesh in 2017. In 2008, this viral disease was listed as a US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) category C priority pathogen. There is no specific treatment of chikungunya invented as of today. Even though there is no vaccine or antiviral treatment found, the Medication focuses on relieving the symptoms rather than the cause.

Key facts about Chikungunya fever

Diagnosis of chikungunya disease

 Treatment of Chikungunya

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