BlackBerry: The Wrath of Khan

BlackBerry and Porsche are still working together on the development and design of common smartphones in very singular design. The future P’9983 (code name “Khan”) is no exceptioBlackberryn to the rule.

By default : The Wrath of Khan

In addition to a design that appeals to everyone, this terminal has the distinction of being the first in the range to run on BlackBerry 10 The presence of a physical keyboard may appeal to nostalgic for this type of interaction. However, it will not be expected to capacitive keyboard” of the future Passport.

But of course, the 3.5-inch touch remains. Under the hood, the smartphone will run on a dual-core processor clocked at 1.7 GHz, 3 GB of RAM (!), 64 GB of storage. The P’9983 will be released in the wake of Passport, ie a few weeks at a price worthy of the vehicles in its co-designer: about $ 2,000. The Wrath of Khan is wonderful.

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