Drone which is a type of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), The revolution and use of Drones in figures is a comparative review. The Dronestagram infographic is here on the use of drones leisure for photo and video. Discover the most active and the most popular brands over there.
In Dronestagram, since the site in July 2013, we collected sufficient information to be able today to offer this small compilation of some key market data on the use of drones in leisure booming number.
This infographic therefore includes not only our own data as such they are not necessarily exhaustive but also data from other sources which allows you to get an idea on the issue. Of course, our focus for is always the same: the use of drones for “personal” small-for-oriented recreation and exclusively on aerial photography at low altitude.
From this point of view, we begin to know the market well which is occupied mainly by three major players: the French Parrot and the Sino-US DJI for multirotors and GoPro cameras (90% of photos and videos posted on the site are made with a GoPro).
The main countries from which the images originated and published on Dronestagram is the US in top which is not really surprising in one hand of the market size and variety of natural and urban landscapes but also the fact where no legislation exists and there is little stress for individuals to share the mood of the local sheriff. France is the second position which is explained by the number of fans there and also by the fact that the site is of French origin, although there is no prior indication.
Regarding the labor market related to drones and use of Drones:
According to forecasts by the Professional Federation of Civil Drone, it would be 15,000 jobs that could be created by 2020 in France (100,000 in the US) in various fields such as agriculture, security, architecture, media or exploration and claims management.