Good Email Commucation is a Key to Business

Communication is deemed a core business function in almost every industry. So, not exception in the case of accounting profession also. Accounting professionals need to communicate with their ultimate users of the financial statements. In the accounting environment as in the middle of the case, it is important to know how to write good emails that will please / not disturbing your recipient. There are certain rules that must be respected.

First, any email must be relevant and as short as possible. In fact, most people do not like to waste their time by reading emails and appreciate those who go straight to the point (just as in life!)

Next, it is important not to let the recipient pending. A reply email will be written within 24 hours of receiving the first message, even if it is only to confirm that you have received the information.

Your email should also have a good structure. A reply email should include, in order, the answer to all questions and queries posed in the original email. It would be unfortunate if your recipient has to send you another email because you forgot to answer some of his questions.

Try to avoid sensitive topics on your email working. This will allow you to avoid transmission errors comments or situations that could harm you in your professional life. Keep a professional attitude in your term of choice and avoid images, animations and links to external entertainment sites.

Finally, when you have finished your message, do not forget to read it again, to correct the matter to avoid misunderstandings, frustration, despair and tears of your recipient. It is important to always put a message subject (the box does not exist for nothing) so your recipient to be able to know what it is and classify it according to his mailbox.

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