The Core Message of the Law of Intuition

Leaders evaluate everything with leadership bias. This is the core message of one of the laws of Maxwell’s 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. The Law of Intuition (The Law # 8) . Leaders can read the environment or situations faster than anyone and respond to the situations accordingly. They can read the people around them and can assess the opportunities available at their doors. They can feel the timing of actions and read the motives of their followers. Leaders are the readers total environment.

Leaders can understand the future and the process, with sound judgement. Rational leaders will have stability because people will like them but exploiting leaders will not survive for long. They have to leave their places because their followers will not trust them after they feel exploited.

Leaders can read and sense their people, available opportunities, environment of surrounding, timing of course of actions, motives of the people, outcome in future, placement of people, process of doing something etc.

A good leader generally have sound intuition on the present and the future situations. If a leader has better intuition than other leaders then he is a better leader. Find out the people around you who can think ahead better than you. Ask yourself whether you rely on them for their intuitiveness. Intuition help us discover a sudden insight. It can evaluate people, decisions and situations.

In his law, JC Maxwell said there are 3 levels of intuition: (a) those who were born naturally with it, (b) those who nurture it, and (c) those who will never have it. So according to this message, the last group is not the type to read leadership articles at all, so you don’t have to worry about being in the class of them.

One message should be very clear to us who is here to be a leader is that- not everyone who wants to be a leader can be a leader in fact. May be 1 in every 1000 or more can be a leader. It is not a demotivating clause for you but a bitter reality.

If you want to be a leader of a specific type then follow a leader of your choice, convert his daily routine into your daily agenda. But it is not so easy task or process. It will take years to make you fully converted. Sometimes, more bitter result you will get.

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