The Searchmetrics publisher wanted to measure, on a large sample, any SEO benefits of SSL, and promised by Google since this summer. He did not find it.

Google announced in August that its engine was now slightly favor HTTPS pages, secured using SSL. Based search-tool editor well known for his studies SEO, attempted to measure the gain provided by SSL in SEO since the announcement. For this, he compared the visibility of pages in HTTP and HTTPS, back by “hundreds of thousands of applications.” He also, and especially wanted to measure any changes made since the announcement of August.
Conclusion: In summary, there has been no change, and HTTPS pages not appear to have any “boost” SEO particular. “In my opinion, Google has not yet rolled out this ranking factor and / or this factor affects only a small part of today the index it was not possible to identify with our data,” concludes Marcus Tober, founder of Searchmetrics. In its official announcement, Google evoked a new “very low” signal, affecting less than 1% of queries in the world.