The Reasons Why IAS 17 Lease Was Replaced By IFRS 16

Accounting for leases by most countries is very comparable, in that most countries require the application of principles similar to those in IAS 17 (Leases). However, it is also recognized that the accounting principles applied are flawed.

 In July 2006, as a result of the agreement between the IASB and the FASB to converge accounting standards, a joint working party was formed between the two bodies to propose a new accounting standard on leases. The aims of the project were stated as:

 As noted in the information provided for observers at the IASB meeting in July 2008, the main concerns about the current IAS 17 were:

 Currently, leases are classified into finance and operating leases. The IASB staff produced five reasons why the requirement to classify leases should be removed:

At last, IFRS 16 Leases is issued on 13 January 2016 and has a mandatory effective date of 1 January 2019. Now, it would have a major effect on lessees that have a large number of operating leases because these would now be accounted for in the same way as finance leases. Also, all lessees would be affected by the changes in accounting for lease options and contingent rentals. 

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