Leadership: Law of Lid can Change Your Life

Leadership is very important aspect in any organisation, even in one’s daily life. Without leadership you cannot achieve your full potential. As the time changes and technology is getting advanced day by day, the principles of leadership remain constant as always, standing the test of time.

John Calvin Maxwell has developed 21 irrefutable laws of leadership which hold great impact in our life, in any profession. These laws are not divine gifts but a long researched and experienced set of theories or principles by Maxwell. J.C Maxwell’s laws of leadership are not based on any culture, gender or age. They relate and apply to all communities in the earth and are recognized by other leaders. and good news is they can be learnt. That means you can easily learn and understand the laws and apply them in your daily life.

These laws can stand alone. That means, if you want to learn one, you need not to learn another. You can master in any one of 21 or in multiple laws. Most importantly, these laws carry consequences. So if you start practicing these laws, it will be better for your future, you will reap your harvest soon but if you ignore them you will remain as you are now. Your potential to grow will remain static and you might loose many opportunities in your life. If you apply these laws in your life, you will lead well. The sooner is the better.

Again, to say these laws are the foundation of leadership. So if you apply these 21 laws of leadership then you will be a better leader in someday. One point to mention is that achieving leadership is not the matter of a single day, it is a daily process. It might take your entire life to practice and becoming an effective leader. And if you ignore these laws then will not be an effective leader and you may miss many opportunities in your life.

Out of 21 irrefutable laws of leadership, I am going to discuss the first law: Law # 1:The Law of Lid. The main theme of this law is “leadership ability determines a persons’s level of effectiveness“. If an individual’s ability to lead is low then he has low Lid as per this law of leadership. The better the lid, the better is the leading and higher lid will ensure the potential for achievement.

How to apply the law of lid in your life?

Very easy answer would be as follows:

On a scale of 1 to 10, find what your lid number is. Set a sound plan and strategy to improve your Lid number. You can also find the Lid number of those working around you. If they are better than you, focus on their communication and daily routine and start growing from now!

In the next article I will discuss Maxwell’s Law #2, The Law of Influence, till then, bye.

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