Exam Kits: Advantages and Disadvantages of Air Transport

Advantages and Disadvantages of Air Transport

Though air transport is largely for Passenger traffic, its importance as a mode of transport for goods is no less. Its use has considerably increased as a result of the large cargo planes. Besides, certain categories of goods like perishable items, costly goods of light weight as well as like sensitive electronic goods and readymade garments are now transported by air.

Procedure of Air Transport

For sending goods by airways, the consignor has to prepare an air Consignment Note which is a document containing particulars such as the number of packages, method of packing, marks on the packages, weight, quantity, volume, freight to be paid, party to pay, value of the goods, make and address of the consignor and the consignee, the place of departure and destination, etc. The Air consignment Note has to be prepared in three parts. One part is signed by the consignor and marked For the Carrier’. The second Part is signed by the airways and the consignor and marked ‘For the Consignor’. Tile third part is signed by the airways as an acknowledgement of the goods received for carriage. This is forwarded to the consignee who is to receive delivery of the goods at the destination.

Advantages of Air Transport

Transport by air has certain distinct advantages to the user. The airways follow the shortest and the most direct route for carrying goods. It is the speediest means of transport. Where time is valuable, airways constitute the only choice. The transport cost which is relatively higher is compensated by quick delivery of goods, increased turnover, reduced inventory holding and storing cost.

Disadvantages of Air Transport

There are two serious limitations of air transport. One is that transport of bulky goods of small value involves prohibitive costs. Secondly, unfavorable weather conditions may delay flights.

Suitability of Air Transport

Air transport is the most expensive means of transport. But it is the speediest means and provides the quickest means of transportation. Hence it is most suitable for the transport of perishable goods, articles of high value and low volume as well as items urgently needed, such as life , saving drugs, spare parts of machinery or electronic components.

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