20 Big Differences Between GAAP and IFRS Accounting

In our ever-expanding global economy, a profound understanding of the disparities between the two primary accounting methods employed worldwide is imperative for business proprietors and accounting professionals. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as the name suggests, is a universal benchmark conceived by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). In contrast, U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are exclusively employed within the United States and are established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB).

Let’s have a look into the twenty most significant differences between GAAP and IFRS accounting, shedding light on the intricacies that set them apart.

Differences Between GAAP and IFRS Accounting

Differences Between Gaap And Ifrs

1. Geographic Reach: GAAP and IFRS

IFRS: Extending its presence to over 140 countries worldwide, including the European Union, many Asian nations, and several South American countries, IFRS holds a substantial global footprint.

GAAP: In stark contrast, GAAP’s jurisdiction is confined solely to the United States. This dissimilarity implies that businesses operating both within the U.S. and abroad must navigate a more complex accounting landscape.

2. Rule-Based vs. Principle-Based

GAAP: GAAP follows a predominantly rule-based approach, offering industry-specific regulations and guidelines for companies to adhere to.

IFRS: In contrast, IFRS relies on a principle-based system that necessitates judgment and interpretation for application in specific situations.

Note: Recent collaborative efforts between FASB and IASB have harmonized some standards, promoting a more unified principles-based approach. Notably, the GAAP standard for revenue from contracts with customers (ASU No. 2014-09) aligns with its IFRS counterpart, IFRS 15, in this regard.

3. Inventory Valuation Methods

GAAP and IFRS: Both standards allow for the use of First In, First Out (FIFO), weighted-average cost, and specific identification methods for inventory valuation. Under IFRS, inventory should be valued at the lower of cost or net realizable value. This essentially means that inventory should be valued at an amount that can be realized from its sale, minus any selling costs.

GAAP Only: LIFO (Last In, First Out) method is uniquely permitted under GAAP. However, it can result in an artificial suppression of net income and may not accurately represent the actual flow of inventory within a company. Under GAAP, inventory must be valued at the lower of cost or market value.

3. Cost Flow Assumption:

GAAP: GAAP requires the use of specific cost flow assumptions, such as First In, First Out (FIFO) or Last In, First Out (LIFO), when valuing inventory. This can impact how the cost of goods sold is calculated.

IFRS: IFRS does not prescribe a specific cost flow assumption, allowing more flexibility in choosing a method for inventory valuation.

4. Inventory Write-Down Reversals

Both Methods: Both GAAP and IFRS permit inventories to be written down to market value.

IFRS Only: IFRS uniquely allows for the reversal of previous write-downs when market values increase, potentially leading to greater inventory valuation fluctuations. If the net realizable value of inventory is lower than its carrying amount, IFRS mandates that the inventory be written down to its net realizable value.

GAAP: GAAP prohibits the reversal of prior write-downs, contributing to potentially less volatile inventory valuation. It does not allow for inventory write-downs as a general practice but if there is evidence of a permanent decline in the value of specific items of inventory, GAAP permits these items to be written down

5. Fair Value Revaluations

IFRS: IFRS permits revaluation of specific assets to their fair market value when measurable reliably. These assets include inventories, property, plant & equipment, intangible assets, and investments in marketable securities.

GAAP: GAAP only allows revaluation for marketable securities, unlike IFRS, which encompasses a broader spectrum of assets.

6. Handling Impairment Losses

Both Standards: Both GAAP and IFRS acknowledge the recognition of impairment losses when the market value of an asset decreases.

IFRS: In contrast, IFRS permits the reversal of impairment losses for most asset types, except goodwill, when conditions improve.

GAAP: GAAP takes a more conservative stance, disallowing the reversal of impairment losses for all asset types.

7. Treatment of Intangible Asset

IFRS: IFRS permits the capitalization of internal costs associated with creating intangible assets, such as development costs, contingent upon meeting specific criteria that consider future economic benefits.

GAAP: US GAAP generally expenses all R&D costs, with some specific exceptions. But mandates that development costs be expensed as incurred, with the exception of internally developed software. For software intended for external use, costs are capitalized once technological feasibility is demonstrated. Internal-use software, however, follows specific guidelines, unlike IFRS, which lacks explicit software-related directives.

8. Research and Development (R&D) Expenditures

GAAP: US GAAP generally expenses all R&D costs, with some specific exceptions.

IFRS: IFRS introduces the possibility of capitalizing certain R&D expenditures under specific conditions, such as some internal costs like prototyping. IFRS expenses research costs but allows for the capitalization of development costs in certain situations and specific criteria.

9. Valuation of Fixed Assets

GAAP: GAAP dictates that long-lived assets like buildings, furniture, and equipment be initially valued at historical cost and subsequently depreciated accordingly.

IFRS: IFRS initially values these assets at cost but allows for subsequent revaluation to reflect fair market value fluctuations. Furthermore, IFRS requires separate depreciation for distinct components of an asset with varying useful lifespans, while GAAP permits but does not mandate component depreciation.

10. Investment Property

IFRS: IFRS distinguishes investment property as a separate category, defined as property held for rental income or capital appreciation. Initially measured at cost, investment property under IFRS can be subsequently revalued to reflect market value changes.

GAAP: In contrast, GAAP does not have a distinct category for investment property, and there are no provisions for revaluation in the same manner as under IFRS.

11. Lease Accounting

GAAP and IFRS: Both standards share a common framework for lease accounting, but differences do exist.

IFRS: IFRS includes a de minimis exception, allowing lessees to exclude leases for low-valued assets. Furthermore, IFRS covers leases for certain intangible assets.

GAAP: In contrast, GAAP categorically excludes leases of all intangible assets from the scope of the lease accounting standard, without offering a slight exception.

12. Income Recognition for Investments

GAAP and IFRS have different criteria for recognizing income from investments. GAAP considers the legal form of the asset or contract, while IFRS is more concerned with the timing of cash flows.

13. Revenue Recognition Criteria

GAAP: US GAAP initiates revenue recognition by determining whether revenue has been realized or earned, with industry-specific rules governing recognition.

IFRS: IFRS is more general, recognizing revenue when value is delivered. It categorizes revenue transactions into four types: sale of goods, construction contracts, provision of services, or use of another entity’s assets.

Revenue recognition methods under IFRS include:
• Recognizing revenue as the cost recoverable during the reporting period.
• For contracts, recognizing revenue based on the percentage of the whole contract completed, estimated total cost, and contract value.

14. Classification of Liabilities:

GAAP: When presenting financial statements in accordance with US GAAP, liabilities are categorized as either current or non-current based on the time expected for repayment. Current liabilities encompass debts to be settled within the next 12 months, while long-term liabilities extend beyond 12 months.

IFRS: IFRS does not make a distinct differentiation between short-term and long-term liabilities, grouping them together.

15. The Balance Sheet Presentation:

GAAP: GAAP arranges accounts in descending order of liquidity, from most liquid to least liquid: current assets, non-current assets, current liabilities, non-current liabilities, and owners’ equity. That means, the balance sheet typically lists current assets first, followed by non-current assets.

IFRS: IFRS reverses the order, listing accounts from least liquid to most liquid: non-current assets, current assets, owners’ equity, non-current liabilities, and current liabilities. That means, IFRS presents the balance sheet with non-current assets listed before current assets.

16. Cash Flow Statement Classification:

Under GAAP:
• Interest paid and interest received are categorized as operating activities.
• Dividends paid are accounted for in the financing section, and dividends received are placed in the operating section.

Under IFRS:
• Companies have more flexibility in classifying interest and dividends. They can choose their own policy based on their judgment:
i. Interest paid can be classified in either the operating or financing section.
ii. Interest received can be placed in the operating or investing section.
iii. Dividends paid can be categorized in either the operating or financing section.
iv. Dividends received can be placed in the operating or investing section.
These differences in the treatment of interest and dividends in the cash flow statement highlight the varying approaches and flexibility offered by IFRS in comparison to the more prescriptive nature of GAAP.

17. The Income Statement Presentation:

GAAP: Extraordinary or unusual items are segregated and presented separately in the income statement. These items are shown below the net income portion of the income statement, typically as a separate line item. This clear separation aims to provide transparency and distinguish these unusual items from regular operating activities. US GAAP typically requires companies to present three periods. However, some IFRS-compliant companies may choose to report three periods as well.

IFRS: IFRS takes a different approach by not requiring the segregation of extraordinary or unusual items in the income statement. Under IFRS, such items are integrated into the income statement alongside regular operating activities, without a separate line item. This approach aims to simplify the presentation of financial information. IFRS commonly uses two periods in income statements.

18. Quarterly/Interim Reports:

GAAP: US GAAP treats each quarterly report as an integral part of the fiscal year, requiring a Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) section.

IFRS: IFRS treats each interim report as a standalone period, and MD&A is not mandatory.

19. Recognition of Accounting Elements:

• Contingent Liabilities: US GAAP defines ‘probable’ as more likely than not (>75%), whereas IFRS uses a lower threshold, with ‘probable’ defined as >50%. This leads to differences in recognition and measurement of contingent liabilities.
• Income Taxes: Under US GAAP, deferred tax assets (DTAs) are recognized but offset with a valuation allowance when it is more likely than not (>50%) that they won’t be realized. Under IFRS, DTAs are recognized only when probable (>50%), and no valuation allowances are required.

20. Disclosure Requirements and Terminology:

IFRS typically requires more extensive disclosures in financial statements due to its principles-based approach. This can result in lengthier financial reports, providing a more comprehensive view of a company’s financial position. Here’s a brief contrast between the two:

• Emphasizes detailed disclosure of significant accounting policies.
• Requires disclosure of related party transactions, aiming to prevent conflicts of interest.
• Mandates detailed contingencies disclosure, including the nature, financial impact, and likelihood of resolution.
• Specific requirements for disclosing fair value measurements and assumptions.
• Detailed disclosure on income taxes, including deferred tax assets and liabilities.
• Requires disclosures related to pension and other post-employment benefit plans.
• Detailed disclosure of earnings per share and potential dilution effects.
• For companies with multiple operating segments, extensive segment reporting is essential.
• Requires disclosure of significant subsequent events occurring after the balance sheet date.

• Requires disclosure of the basis of preparation of financial statements, including IFRS compliance.
• Presentation of a complete set of financial statements, including balance sheet, income statement, and more.
• Detailed disclosures for revenue recognition, including accounting policies and performance obligations.
• Specific disclosure requirements for property, plant, and equipment, including depreciation methods.
• Comprehensive lease asset and liability disclosures under IFRS 16.
• Similar to US GAAP, requires disclosure of related party transactions.
• Details about events occurring between the balance sheet date and authorization of financial statements.
• Disclosure of earnings per share, akin to US GAAP.
• Information on segment performance and operations for businesses with multiple segments.
• Extensive disclosure regarding fair value measurements, including inputs and hierarchy levels.
• Terminology: US GAAP and IFRS use different terminology in various areas, including the recognition of contingent liabilities, investment properties, joint ventures, and associates.

Global Trends Impacting Financial Reporting

In light of the statistics presented, it is evident why a profound understanding of the disparities between US GAAP and IFRS is imperative. Two notable trends are shaping the financial landscape:

Geographic Diversification:

• Investment firms are actively expanding the geographic scope of their portfolios to explore opportunities abroad. Notably, over 500 foreign SEC registrants adhere to IFRS standards.
• Institutional investors are increasingly inclined to invest in emerging markets, driven by a combination of expanded opportunities and a strategic effort to diversify and mitigate portfolio risk.

Cross-Border M&A Activity:

• Cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are gaining prominence as a strategic avenue for companies to access new markets and expand their global footprint.
• Current global trends indicate a surge in M&A deal volume on the horizon. In the context of international M&A transactions, investment bankers tasked with constructing M&A Models must meticulously compare the financial reporting of both US and non-US companies.

These trends underscore the need for financial professionals, investment firms, and businesses to possess a comprehensive grasp of both US GAAP and IFRS. The ability to navigate the intricacies of these accounting standards is pivotal for making informed investment decisions, evaluating opportunities in diverse geographic regions, and ensuring the success of cross-border mergers and acquisitions.

The Biggest Difference Between GAAP and IFRS

The biggest difference between GAAP and IFRS is their approach: IFRS is more principles-based, allowing for interpretation, while GAAP is more rules-based and prescriptive in nature.

Major Similarities Between US GAAP and IFRS

While there are significant differences between US GAAP and IFRS, it’s worth noting that there are also notable similarities. Convergence efforts and ongoing collaborations between the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) have led to the alignment of certain accounting standards. Here are some examples:

Revenue Recognition (ASC 606 and IFRS 15): Both US GAAP and IFRS adopted the Revenue Recognition Standard, effective in 2018. This standard provides a consistent framework for recognizing revenue from contracts with customers, enhancing the comparability of financial statements across different industries.

Leases (ASC 842 and IFRS 16): The Lease Standards, effective in 2019, require that leases greater than 12 months are reported on balance sheets as Right of Use Assets under both US GAAP and IFRS. While US GAAP distinguishes between operating and finance leases, IFRS does not.

Debt Issuance Costs (ASU 2015-03): US GAAP’s treatment of debt issuance costs was aligned with IFRS in 2015. Debt issuance costs are now netted against the amount of outstanding debt on the balance sheet, similar to debt discounts.

These convergence efforts aim to reduce differences between the two sets of standards and enhance the comparability of financial information, particularly in a global business environment. However, despite these efforts, significant disparities still exist in many areas of financial reporting.

GAAP and IFRS Checklist

An IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) checklist and a GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) checklist are tools used by accountants, auditors, and financial professionals to ensure that financial statements and reporting comply with the relevant accounting standards.

IFRS Checklist: An IFRS checklist is a comprehensive document or tool that outlines the specific requirements and guidelines set forth by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in the IFRS framework. It serves as a reference guide to help preparers and auditors of financial statements ensure that all necessary disclosures and treatments are in line with IFRS. The checklist covers a wide range of financial reporting topics, including the presentation of financial statements, revenue recognition, measurement of assets and liabilities, disclosure requirements, and more. It is a crucial resource for entities that follow IFRS to maintain compliance and transparency in their financial reporting.

GAAP Checklist: A GAAP checklist is a similar tool but tailored to the accounting and reporting standards of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the United States. It outlines the specific requirements, principles, and guidelines provided by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the GAAP framework. This checklist is used to ensure that financial statements adhere to the accounting rules and standards specific to the U.S. Companies following GAAP must use this checklist to verify that their financial reporting is in compliance with U.S. accounting principles.

Both GAAP and IFRS checklists serve as essential aids for accountants and financial professionals to maintain consistency, accuracy, and compliance with the relevant accounting standards in their financial reporting and auditing processes.

GAAP and IFRS – which one is better?

IFRS is followed by more than 140 countries around the world. Whether GAAP or IFRS is better depends on the context and the specific needs of a company. Generally, IFRS is favored for its global acceptance and adaptability for international operations, while GAAP is well-suited for companies operating solely within the United States. The choice between them depends on the company’s geographical reach, investor preferences, and regulatory requirements.


In summary, understanding the distinctions between US GAAP and IFRS is vital for stakeholders in financial reporting. Investors, analysts, and accountants must consider these differences when assessing and comparing financial statements, while companies involved in cross-border activities need to address these variations to ensure accurate financial reporting and compliance with the applicable standards. The ongoing efforts to converge US GAAP and IFRS demonstrate the importance of achieving consistency and comparability in financial reporting on a global scale.

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