Difference Between Intermittent And Continuous Production System

The system depends on a number of factors viz. policies of the organization, types of production, size of production etc. However, the production method, its organization and operations differ from company to company. Intermittent (Job and batch) systems produce items only when orders are received. During slack periods when there is no or very little demand, workers are likely to be sacked. Thus, there is less job security in Intermittent (Job-batch) production systems. In Continuous (mass and process) system, items are manufactured for stock and so production is continuous. Due to this there is more job-security for workers. Let have a look on the Difference Between Intermittent And Continuous Production System.

Difference Between Intermittent And Continuous Production System

Following are point-wise differences between Intermittent and Continuous manufacturing systems

Same product is not produced continuously.Same product produced continuously
Items produced for orderItems produced for stock
Production process flexibleProcess not flexible
Equipment used for limited timeRegular use of equipment
Wide range of products can be manufacturedOnly particular type of product is produced
Smaller scale of productionLarge scale production
Planning and control operations complicated and tediousPlanning and control operations simple and easy
More detailed and too many instructions are required for operationsSingle set of instructions are sufficient for operations
Capital investment may be lowCapital investment is high
Per unit cost of production is highPer unit cost of production is low
Less security of jobsMore security of jobs
Function type of organizationDivisional type of organization
Requires staff of high technical skill and abilityequires more managerial capability and better coordination
Control not ‘in line’ of productionControl in line’ of production
Storage is required at each operationStorage required only at limited locations
Change in location easyChange in location difficult
Product and the process not standardizedProduct and process standardized
Accuracy lowAccuracy high
Difference Between Intermittent And Continuous Production System

There may be organizations which may use a combination of both the systems at various stages of the production process.

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