This is an example of SWOT analysis (Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat) for a fictional company that wants to innovate in the field of fiber optic nationally (much like Bell currently on the Canadian territory). The strengths and weaknesses refer to the internal environment of the company, while opportunities and threats refer to the external environment of our fictitious company.
1) Forces
Theme of innovation and differentiation in this very thought leader. Is a force that could give him a direct competitive advantage
Share research ideas between R & D Canada and Korea.
The majority of the workforce is qualified to work in the field
Part of the workforce (20) from different backgrounds giving varied perspectives during discussions (multicultural business!)
2) Weaknesses
Less investment in R & D than competitors and no leader will invest more
Bill is too dependent on the achievement of other business and personal assumptions for the business plan. If another company buys the patent before him, his business plan is to water.
Bill is not involved enough in the R & D process. Since it focuses on the development of an improvement in the fiber, should oversee and give suggestions. His management style is too went left.
No other staff supervision (addition qu8e give a general goal). He put too much on the quality of work of his subordinates.
Why project teams are led in turn? I believe that if each original researcher had his permanent team, effectiveness could increase. One may think that at present we lose time to call the investigator to date on new developments in the team whenever there is rotation.
Sources of conflict = discussion of industry standards. (Possibly because of multiculturalism).
There should be different services. Currently = service. = Best two services i.e. project development and innovation
Researchers should create their own work teams and those wishing to innovate should work in the related service innovation while those who do not want should work development project.
Researchers should decide for themselves on what project they want to work (eliminate the problem of envy of projects entrusted to others).
Currently, the Korean team is almost useless because it does not work in conjunction with Canadian. they should work on each module of the same project and put together the progress every week. both teams should set a common objective in the short and long term.
One may wonder if the working conditions that the company offers is competitive (5 researchers resign in three months)
Canadian teams should be able to understand that the contribution of suppliers is important since it is those who use the technology. (How to do?)
3) Opportunities
Hatching new ideas different from competitors (R & D) in Korea.
Company Industry (Optical Networks) is a sector with potential, new therefore possibly less competitive in the beginning. Yet the technology is changing rapidly and the company will not only focus on ca for its profit outlook.
Revolutionary technology, big efficiency gain and economically with the new technology (320 km vs 3200km). It is impossible that this new technology is not suitable for all internet providers (as they want to stay competitive, so customers insured captive market + = $$$$)
4) Threats
In the event that another company would take a monopoly on the market, much of its most skilled labor resign to work for the competitor.
Bill has no direct supervision of employees in Korea. (Could cause much problem, for example engineer who sells the new technology has a Korean company).