Business related articles
Accounting for Indirect Materials | Manufacturing Accounting
October 16, 2014
Accounting for Indirect Materials | Manufacturing Accounting
Accounting for Indirect Materials: When materials originally requisitioned for a job are not used and are returned to the storeroom…
Why Multiple Performance Measures Are Required
October 15, 2014
Why Multiple Performance Measures Are Required
There is danger in undue fixation on a single measure of performance whether for the entire company or for its…
6 Advantages and Disadvantages of ROI
October 14, 2014
6 Advantages and Disadvantages of ROI
Advantages and Disadvantages of ROI (Use of the Rate of Return on Capital Employed) for Internal Profit Measurement. Advantages of…
Symantec decided to split into two
October 14, 2014
Symantec decided to split into two
After HP and eBay, Symantec, the company of security solutions has decided to split into two different companies. Who will…
Cost Accounting Procedure For Material In Job Costing
October 13, 2014
Cost Accounting Procedure For Material In Job Costing
Cost Accounting Procedure for Material : Merchandise Inventory and Purchases are familiar accounts in trading concerns. In manufacturing enterprises, it…
What Is Job Order Cost Accumulation Procedure?
October 12, 2014
What Is Job Order Cost Accumulation Procedure?
Job order cost accumulation procedure and process costing procedure are employed by many types of manufacturing and service businesses. It…
What Are The Various Cost Accumulation Procedures?
October 11, 2014
What Are The Various Cost Accumulation Procedures?
There are numbers of Cost Accumulation Procedures but here I will discuss about Job Order and Process Cost Accumulation Procedures.…
Fundamentals of Cost Accounting Information System
October 8, 2014
Fundamentals of Cost Accounting Information System
Fundamentals of cost accounting information system is primary requisite for costing department. The construction of a cost accounting information system…
Importance Of Cost Analysis For Organizational Success
October 7, 2014
Importance Of Cost Analysis For Organizational Success
Importance Of Cost Analysis: Costs as a basis for analysis and are estimated costs which may be incurred if any…
Importance Of Standard Costing In Pricing And Budgeting
October 6, 2014
Importance Of Standard Costing In Pricing And Budgeting
Importance of Standard Costing in Pricing and Budgeting Overhead: Standard costs are predetermined costs for direct materials, direct labor, and…