Business related articles
Why Do Countries Enter Into International Trade
October 5, 2016
Why Do Countries Enter Into International Trade
Today, hardly is there any country which is not engaged in international trade. The economies of certain small countries are…
Difference Between Domestic and International Trade
October 1, 2016
Difference Between Domestic and International Trade
Trade means exchange of goods and services for the satisfaction of human wants. The process of exchange includes purchase and…
Difference Between Void Voidable And Unenforceable Contracts
September 13, 2016
Difference Between Void Voidable And Unenforceable Contracts
An agreement enforceable at law is a contract. Contracts can be classified differently as Valid Contracts, Void Contracts, Voidable Contracts…
The Meaning Of Delivered Duty Unpaid- DDU Incoterms
September 7, 2016
The Meaning Of Delivered Duty Unpaid- DDU Incoterms
Delivered Duty Unpaid- DDU Incoterms Incoterms are much popular in the commercial arena ! Nowadays, there are so many commercial…
What Is Meant By Delivery Duty Paid – DDP Incoterms
September 7, 2016
What Is Meant By Delivery Duty Paid – DDP Incoterms
Delivery Duty Paid (…named place of destination). Delivered Duty Paid [ DDP Incoterms ] means that the seller delivers the…
What Is Meant By Delivered At Frontier (DAF)
September 7, 2016
What Is Meant By Delivered At Frontier (DAF)
Delivered At Frontier (DAF) means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer…
What Does Carriage Paid To Mean
September 6, 2016
What Does Carriage Paid To Mean
Incoterms are much abbreviated ! Nowadays, there are so many commercial terms used mostly in international business. But, how many…
What Does Free Carrier (FCA) Mean in Shipping
September 6, 2016
What Does Free Carrier (FCA) Mean in Shipping
Nowadays, there are so many commercial terms used mostly in international business. But, how many of them are we well…
What Does Ex Works Mean In Shipping Terms
September 4, 2016
What Does Ex Works Mean In Shipping Terms
Incoterms are much abbreviated! Nowadays, there are so many commercial terms used mostly in international business. But, how many of…
What Does Delivered Ex Quay Mean
September 2, 2016
What Does Delivered Ex Quay Mean
Incoterms are much abbreviated! Nowadays, there are so many commercial terms used mostly in international business. But, how many of…