Business related articles
What Is Terms Of Trade In Economics
October 25, 2016
What Is Terms Of Trade In Economics
In general terms, the terms of trade refer to the quantity of goods sold and purchased at a given price.…
Criticism Of Modern Theory Of International Trade
October 23, 2016
Criticism Of Modern Theory Of International Trade
The modern theory (or factor endowment theory or factor comparison theory) though makes a considerable improvement over the classical theory…
Modern Theory of International Trade by Bertil Ohlin
October 20, 2016
Modern Theory of International Trade by Bertil Ohlin
Bertil Ohlin’s Theory of International Trade, now dubbed as the Modern Theory of International Trade, has been greatly supported by…
Difference Between A Company And A Partnership
October 15, 2016
Difference Between A Company And A Partnership
 A company is regulated in accordance with the Companies Act, 1956 and its subsequent amendments, while a partnership is regulated…
Essential Features Or Characteristics Of A Company
October 15, 2016
Essential Features Or Characteristics Of A Company
Before reading this article on the features or characteristics of a company, I want to ask myself- Is a Company…
ONR 49000 : Austrian Standards On Risk Management
October 14, 2016
ONR 49000 : Austrian Standards On Risk Management
In the Control and Transparency Act (KonTraG), which came in effect on 1 May 1998 in Germany , the concept…
Basic Roles And Principles Of Corporate Governance
October 14, 2016
Basic Roles And Principles Of Corporate Governance
The term “corporate governance” is used to summarize all processes of the management and supervision of a company. This concerns…
New Requirements For Reporting Under IFRS 7
October 14, 2016
New Requirements For Reporting Under IFRS 7
A growing scope of design often has a downside also. With leasing, Mezzanine and Co. offer a variety of sources…
Assumptions And Criticisms Of Comparative Cost Theory
October 5, 2016
Assumptions And Criticisms Of Comparative Cost Theory
A country will specialize in the production of the relatively most cost advantageous commodity which it will export and the…
Comparative Cost Theory Of International Trade
October 5, 2016
Comparative Cost Theory Of International Trade
Internal trade is not exactly the same as the international trade. The two differ basically in many respects. It was…