Business related articles
Basic Assumption and Advantages of Hedging in Agriculture
January 13, 2019
Basic Assumption and Advantages of Hedging in Agriculture
Basic Assumption in Hedging The basic assumption in hedging is that the cash and the future prices will change equally…
Mechanism or Procedure of Hedging in Agricultural Productions
January 1, 2019
Mechanism or Procedure of Hedging in Agricultural Productions
What is Hedging ? Trading in futures contracts consists of two kinds: one is hedging and the other is purely…
The State of Futures Market in Raw Jute in Bangladesh
January 1, 2019
The State of Futures Market in Raw Jute in Bangladesh
 There is at present no organized futures market in Bangladesh. The local mills which buy loose jute can not hedge…
Essentials of a Satisfactory Futures Market
December 21, 2018
Essentials of a Satisfactory Futures Market
The term “future trading” covers both speculative transactions, in which futures are bought and sold for the purpose of making.…
Importance of Futures Market or Futures Trading
December 21, 2018
Importance of Futures Market or Futures Trading
The importance of organised futures markets for important commercial articles including both agricultural and mineral products, has long been recognized…
Difference between Spot Market and Futures Market
December 21, 2018
Difference between Spot Market and Futures Market
Market Market may be of two types, viz, spot market and futures market. Cash dealing which involves the immediate delivery…
Functions Advantages and Disadvantages of Commodity Exchange
December 21, 2018
Functions Advantages and Disadvantages of Commodity Exchange
In the Commodity Exchanges the commodities are not themselves dealt in. The dealings are made by the members of the…
Regulated Markets and Its Advantages in Agricultural Industry
December 14, 2018
Regulated Markets and Its Advantages in Agricultural Industry
Before going to the historical discussion of the regulated markets let us have some theoretical idea about them. In this…
Marketing Intelligence of Agricultural Products
December 13, 2018
Marketing Intelligence of Agricultural Products
An efficient Market News Service is essential for the orderly marketing of agricultural commodities. It not only assists the farmers…
Role of Storage in Agricultural Marketing in Bangladesh
December 13, 2018
Role of Storage in Agricultural Marketing in Bangladesh
Storage of farm products is an essential marketing service. It is important at various stages of the marketing sequence from producer…