Downloading Google books are said to be illegal if not done as prescribed by it.
The best books for Google and Windows 7 those are necessary for everyone and you can see them here. People love these books very much.
The book name Google India which is in Hindi Language and can be translated into another language. To understand Google better I recommend reading this book to be benefited enormously.
Outsourcing or earninging fro Home is not so easy task for layman. But Being at home or anywhere in the world, learn how to obtain information instantly from Google also learn how to earn from internet from this book.
Books Code-10
Books Name-Google India
Stock Shipping Charge +40
Another book is Windows 7 in which you will develop deep sense primarily in Windows operating systems, Windows 7 features, desktop, file and folder management, Internet Explorer 8 etc.
Books Code-11
Books Name-Windows 7
MRP – 96
Stock Shipping Charge 40