Vaccines don’t safeguard lives; it is the vaccination which really does. In reality Vaccination plays a vital role in diminution of infant mortality due to different infectious or life threatening diseases. To achieve the fourth objective of Millennium Development Goal we have to trim down our infant mortality rate to 35 out of 1000 births by 2015 only by ensuring vaccination to every infant especially less than one year is indispensable. Because Importance Of Vaccinations And Immunizations is immeasurable.
With a view to augmenting awareness on vaccination, and to say Importance Of Vaccinations And Immunizations, strategies are necessary from now in a continuous basis. In recent, Asia Vaccine Congress 2013 ended in Philippine where delegates from many countries joined in to share the vaccination status, challenges and future policy. The delegates emphasized on intensification of existing Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) and launching additional life saving and cost-effective vaccines.
Rotavirus and Pneumococcal vaccine have been incorporated in their EPI program in Philippine and some other Asian countries. Few other vaccines are in the pipeline to be included shortly like Meningococcal vaccine, Hepatitis A, Typhoid vaccine. A newer Cholera vaccine is launched in some parts of Africa where Cholera is an endemic or epidemic disease.
There were lots of experts and speakers in the summit who insisted researchers and scientists on to do more extensive work to invent effective vaccines against HIV, Malaria, Bronchiolitis, Shigella. They also asked for global initiative jointly with public and private partnership to develop vaccine to wipe out all the important infectious diseases.
The summit also focused on the fundamental need for vaccine coverage to preterm, refugees low weight babies, people in slums and streets who need the vaccine most.
Appropriate hygiene maintenance with safe, affordable and effective vaccination in proper time will absolutely assist to eradicate many other infectious diseases in upcoming years if we can make such united and sincere effort concertedly to save our next generation.